Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas is coming

We've had an interesting year, not least of which brought the Raspberry Pi. The more I look at this innocent little computer, the more I want the time to play with it! At present learnig Python is a facinating experinece. this whole genre is brigning back a basic pleasure in computing that has been removed from us, since the advent of Windows.

My beloved Macbook Air, does so much, yet the simplicity and power of what comes in the box, is amazing. The automator function, a very powerful batch automator and scripting facility. Texedit, is a powerful editor and the Preview function has amazing hidden features, with the unix shell prompt a keystroke away.. So what i'm saying is that the simplest IT can often bring amazing results. 2013 will be exciting, what will come next?

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Raspberry Pi - Could this be a game changer?

Well, not often I get excited about technology, however this little processor board has soooo much potential. ok, it's only a low powered single board PC, with tiny memory and no hard disk, but.....

It will mark my words, spawn a magazine or at least get a regular column in Linux format. It will have applications for Schools and colleges. for electronics students, for IT network geeks, you'll be able to use it to roll your own appliances (mini router, firewall, network tap, IDS etc.

For Amateur radio, it will be fantastic can run on a battery pack, mini video monitor etc. PC in the Car, someone will develop the bits for that too. Not every job in the world needs a full blown system.

Most of all regardless, it will spawn a whole raft of neat tested boot from card linux distress, with compilers built in. I sincerely hope it does encourage programming again. The machines of the 80's did get a whole generation interested in programming, electronics and radio engineering. I can't wait to see where this goes, the accessories it generates and the novel applications and third party add-ons, it really is exciting.